Jaguar Releated Press Releases

This page will contain press releases or e-mails of Jaguar related items. I hope you find these useful! Note: Please use the back button on your browsers when inside the press releases, they all don't have a "back" link at the bottom of the page, thanks!

Telegames Press Release(released 10/18)
Info regarding ZOT(received 11/1)
A post at JI regarding Towers 2(11/20)
Another post from JI, with Vince answering more Q's(11/22)
Posts from JI about World Tour Racing from a developer(1/29)
The release on the IS 2 delay(3/7)
IS 2 resolution release (4/16)
E-Mail's from OMC about possible new games(7/6)
E-Mail from Terry Grantham regarding IS 2 (4/16, added 4/26)
Forward regarding the Cat Box delay.
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