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computer ever. We are striving to archive as much atari/8bit/demoscene
related material as possible and we're doing it since 2002 (previously
known as ftp.atari.art.pl).
The archive is around 886GB in 941689 files at the moment (2022-04-15).
Please read welcome.msg for more details.
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
APX20155-CalculusDemon.ATR 05-Sep-2004 18:05 90K
APX20276-FamilyTree-Program.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:59 90K
APX20276-FamilyTree-Docs.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:58 90K
APX20275-Wyzle.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:58 11K
APX20274-Gossip.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:58 90K
APX20273-Erg.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:58 90K
APX20272-BumpomovsDogs.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:57 90K
APX20270-ChambersOfZorp.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:57 64K
APX20269-RushHour.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:56 8.5K
APX20268-Equestian.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:56 14K
APX20267-RaidOnGravitron.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:56 64K
APX20265-DragonsQuest-B.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:55 90K
APX20265-DragonsQuest-A.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:54 90K
APX20264-DogDazeDeluxe.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:54 90K
APX20263-Burgers.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:53 8.3K
APX20260-Weakon-B.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:52 90K
APX20260-Weakon-A.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:51 90K
APX20259-MasterMatch.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:50 90K
APX20259-MasterMatch-Speech.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:49 90K
APX20259-MasterMatch-Compiled.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:48 90K
APX20258-Bellum.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:46 90K
APX20236-Kangaroo.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:45 64K
APX20235-Excalibur.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:42 90K
APX20234-Ringmaster.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:40 90K
APX20230-Puzzler-B.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:39 90K
APX20230-Puzzler-A.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:39 90K
APX20229-MusicalPilot.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:39 64K
APX20228-Saratoga.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:38 14K
APX20226-MoonMarauder.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:38 90K
APX20224-SpaceWar.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:38 64K
APX20224-Ennumereight.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:37 64K
APX20219-Smasher.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:37 90K
APX20218-Bootleg.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:36 90K
APX20214-HomeInventory.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:35 90K
APX20210-Dandy.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:34 90K
APX20209-DrawIt.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:33 90K
APX20206-TheBeanMachine.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:32 90K
APX20202-Diggerbonk.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:31 64K
APX20200-MySpellingEasel-basic.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:30 11K
APX20196-Impact.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:30 64K
APX20195-Getaway.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:29 90K
APX20194-Caterpiggle.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:28 90K
APX20192-Typit.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:27 64K
APX20187-AirRaid.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:26 90K
APX20186-Pushky.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:25 5.9K
APX20185-Envision.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:25 90K
APX20184-Phobos.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:24 10K
APX20182-MagicMelodyBox.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:23 90K
APX20179-DeepBlueSecrets.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:22 90K
APX20178-MeltDown.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:19 90K
APX20177-BasicXA.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:18 90K
APX20176-MicroSailing.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:17 90K
APX20175-Yahtman.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:16 90K
APX20174-Quarxon.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:15 90K
APX20173-DiskMenu.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:14 90K
APX20169-RealEstateCashFlowAnalysis.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:13 90K
APX20168-GameShow.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:12 90K
APX20167-NationalFlagsB.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:11 90K
APX20167-NationalFlagsA.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:10 90K
APX20166-DeepBlueC-Compiler-B.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:09 90K
APX20166-DeepBlueC-Compiler-A.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:08 90K
APX20165-MonkeyUpATree.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:07 90K
APX20156-Mankala.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:06 90K
APX20154-SnarkHunt.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:04 90K
APX20152-EasyGrader.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:03 90K
APX20151-MathUFO.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:02 90K
APX20145-SpellingGenie-basic.atr 05-Oct-2003 18:02 90K
APX20143-MantisBootTapeDevelopmentSystem.ATR 05-Oct-2003 18:02 90K
APX20141-Cribbage-basic-B.atr 05-Oct-2003 17:59 90K
APX20141-Cribbage-basic-A.atr 05-Oct-2003 17:58 90K
APX20132-GalahadAndTheHolyGrail.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:57 90K
APX20131-Frogmaster.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:56 90K
APX20129-CheckerKing.atr 05-Oct-2003 17:55 8.0K
APX20128-FamilyVehicleExpense.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:54 90K
APX20127-Polycalc.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:53 90K
APX20120-Salmon Run.atr 05-Oct-2003 17:52 64K
APX20119-Rabbotz.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:51 90K
APX20118-SevenCardStud.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:44 90K
APX20115-MidasTouch.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:31 90K
APX20113-InsteditMicrosoftBasicVersion.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:29 90K
APX20111-StarWare.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:27 90K
APX20110-Blockbuster-osb.atr 05-Oct-2003 17:26 26K
APX20109-SpeedODisk.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:25 90K
APX20108-FamilyBudget.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:23 90K
APX20106-KeypadController.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:22 90K
APX20103-IsoplethMapMakingPackage.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:19 90K
APX20102-AtariPascalSystem-B.atr 05-Oct-2003 17:13 90K
APX20102-AtariPascalSystem-A.atr 05-Oct-2003 17:13 90K
APX20100-AdvancedMusicSystem.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:13 90K
APX20095-EasternFront1941-SourceCode.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:12 90K
APX20089-Solitaire.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:12 90K
APX20087-Stereo3DGraphicsPackage.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:12 90K
APX20079-WeeklyPlanner.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:11 90K
APX20086-UltimateRenumberUtility.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:08 7.0K
APX20084-CavernsofMars.atr 05-Oct-2003 17:08 90K
APX20083-MyFirstAlphabet-basic.atr 05-Oct-2003 17:07 90K
APX20082-MathematicsTicTacToe.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:06 90K
APX20078-Astrology.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:06 90K
APX20080-FamilyCashFlow.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:05 90K
APX20073-Insomnia.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:02 90K
APX20072-Attank!.ATR 05-Oct-2003 17:02 90K
APX20070-MemoryMatch.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:52 90K
APX20069-DogDaze.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:47 90K
APX20067-T-TextDisplayDevice.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:45 90K
APX20065-Dsembler.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:44 90K
APX20064-BlackJackCasino.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:44 90K
APX20061-ProBowling.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:44 90K
APX20063-Downhill.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:44 90K
APX20059-DataManagementSystem.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:35 90K
AP0185-Envision.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:34 90K
APX20060-Instedit.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:30 90K
APX Graphic Shop.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:29 90K
APX20058-ChameleonTerminalEmulator-B.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:27 90K
APX20058-ChameleonTerminalEmulator-A.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:27 90K
APX20056-DisketteLibrarian.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:26 90K
APX20055-Mapware-Program.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:26 90K
APX20055-Mapware-Data.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:26 90K
APX20050-EasternFront1941.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:25 90K
APX20044-DecisionMaker.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:25 90K
APX20043-747LandingSimulator-basic.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:24 64K
APX20041-Domination-basic.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:24 64K
APX20038-Babel.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:24 90K
APX20035-DicePoker.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:23 90K
APX20033-PersonalFitnessProgram-basic.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:23 90K
APX20031-TacTrek-Program.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:18 90K
APX20031-TacTrek-Docs.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:18 90K
APX20030-SuperSort.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:17 90K
APX20029-ExtendedFigForth.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:17 90K
APX20022-AlienEgg.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:17 90K
APX20021-SleazyAdventure-basic.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:16 90K
APX20020-WizardsGold-basic.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:16 90K
APX20013-NewspaperRouteManager.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:16 90K
APX20008-BasicProgramCompressor-MASHER-POSSIBLE.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:15 90K
APX20007-Reversi.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:15 64K
APX20006-PreschoolGames.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:14 90K
APX20004-OutlawHowlitzer-osb.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:14 4.8K
APX20003-Avalanche.atr 05-Oct-2003 16:14 64K
APX20001-Lemonade.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:13 90K
AP0185-Envision-Tools.ATR 05-Oct-2003 16:12 130K
APX90008 De RE Atari.ATR 12-Sep-2003 14:13 90K
APX20237-Cartoonist.ATR 12-Sep-2003 14:12 90K
APX20205-Punctuation Put On.atr 12-Sep-2003 14:08 90K
APX20126-Algicalc.ATR 12-Sep-2003 14:06 90K
APX20097-Number Blast.ATR 12-Sep-2003 14:02 90K
APX20096-Letterman.ATR 12-Sep-2003 14:02 90K
Apx20047-Terry.atr 12-Sep-2003 13:59 90K
Apx20032-Lookahead.atr 12-Sep-2003 13:58 90K
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